"I'm going to nail our American values to the door of the U.S. Senate. Maybe then they'll remember us."
-Sharon Savage

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Empower parents, prioritize core subjects, and foster critical thinking. Exclude divisive political agendas, inspire creativity, enhance vocational training, and end wokeness in schools. Keep education focused, neutral, and skills oriented. No CRT or gender politics in the classroom. Protect girls' sports.

We need to boost U.S. production of domestic oil and gas in a responsible, ethical manner. This must also include boosting refinery capacity. Under the Biden Administration, the United States has lost 1.1 million barrels of oil per day. This is unacceptable.

The open border policies of the Biden Administration are a threat to our national security, our national sovereignty, and our communities right here in Michigan. So far this year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection have seized 23,000 pounds of fentanyl. Enough is enough!
Sharon Savage grew up in the working-class neighborhoods of Wayne County. She learned the importance of hard work, faith, and family from her parents and neighbors. She saw how people relied on each other and their common sense to get by, instead of following the latest hashtag trends. She saw how the community came together to help each other out, and how they all celebrated our beautiful country.
Sharon has seen firsthand the challenges facing Michigan families. She watched, powerless, as globalization destroyed good-paying jobs right here in Michigan, leaving families struggling to make ends meet. She watched, powerless, as the southern border became a conduit for crime, and drugs like fentanyl that tear our communities and families apart.
As a teacher of 40 years, Sharon watched, powerless, as schools became engines of indoctrination, robbing students of critical thinking skills and robbing parents of their rightful role in their children’s education.
Like every other fed-up mother and grandmother, Sharon is tired of feeling powerless.
On day one, Sharon will fight for policies to protect American workers and small businesses. She will demand action at the southern border, once and for all, because America has the right to her national sovereignty. Sharon will demand excellent schools that promote American values, and she’ll redirect funding away from institutions that teach anti-American curriculum or sexually explicit content.
Sharon understands we are fighting a war for the soul of our country. And she is committed to winning that war.
Sharon invites working families, small business owners, and anyone who still believes in the promise of the American Dream to join her campaign. Michigan is where the middle class was born and the American Dream took its first steps. We can reignite the fire.
Sharon’s not just talking the talk—she's walked the walk. She knows the sweat and tears of small business owners struggling to keep things afloat. She's felt the grind of working two jobs to make ends meet, and she's the neighbor who's always got your back.
Sharon Savage isn’t your average politician. She’s not a politician at all. She's a gutsy advocate who will fight for the folks who’ve been forgotten. She’s a real American patriot, and a fed up mother and grandmother who is sick and tired of the broken policies of career politicians.